I do not call myself a republican or a democrat nor a conservative or a liberal. I think that anyone that specifically has to fall into one and only one category is doing it more for the feeling of a community then for actual opinion. However I do lean more towards conservative objectives on social issues (Its not easy being a new yorker). Here are my realistic views of political hypocrites and their agendas.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Darfur Hypocrites!

I was watching Chelsea Lately (starring Chelsea Handler) the other night, when she said something to the effect of; well it’s a good thing that Jenna Bush got married because now she will have someone to comfort her when her dad will be charged with war crimes.

Let me start by saying that I am a big fan of the show; however it gets to me when celebrities use their fame to throw salt on wounds when they don’t really know or care to know about what issues face the every AMERICAN man.

I don’t hear celebrities speaking out for the Americans who are losing their jobs to foreigners. I haven’t heard Brad Pitt get angry because he had an epiphany that social welfare begets social welfare. What I hear from these money riddled know-it-alls is about Darfur…Save Darfur! Those Muslims want to kill each other, so let’s get involved! But when these Muslims were killing each other in Iraq and we got involved that was bad; but Darfur, now that’s where we should get involved.

I was also watching South Park a while back where they had an episode that smog (or smug) was taking over the US. The problem was the smog was caused by George Clooney’s infamous speech at the Academy Awards where he pretty much said that Hollywood elite are ahead of the curve on social issues. Not that the creators of SP are on the right wing conservative side (they can just as easily have made George Bush saying some silly cowboy monologue) , but they did hit it on target. My question to George Clooney and other people with way too much time and money on their hands is this: Are you so smug and conceited that you could possibly think that your view is the only correct one out there?

I love when celebrities preach about animal cruelty (I call them the CPP’s – Crazy PETA People). The bible states and I quote: “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it; and rule over the fish in the sea, the bird of the sky, and every living thing that moves on the earth.

Now of course liberals can’t believe in G-d. Just take the last bible quote and break it down - liberal style.

  1. Be fruitful and multiply – Liberals (CPP’s) don’t want to have there own kids as the earth is already overpopulated, lets adopt a Darfurian.
  2. Fill the earth and subdue it – Who are we to subdue the earth – SAVE THE RAIN FOREST!
  3. Rule over the fish in the sea, the bird of the sky, and every living thing that moves on the earth – God must’ve meant that we should be friends with and take care of chickens, right? Not eat them.

If liberals would believe in God, they would have to acknowledge that their beliefs and life styles are a paradox.

Don’t be more merciful then God.

So Chelsea, before you send off our president to hell for war crimes, you should go with the rest of your useless kind and petition for drinking water. In 20 years we might find out that water has feelings and emotions and "cries" because it feels pain when its swallowed. Thats right go petition for drinking water.

see: http://www.celiberal.com for more useless nonsense from wasted breath.


frumskeptic said...

CFF's --> very creative :)

Very good post. I like the liberal interpretation of the bible... SOO on the money!!

AND boy was that SP episode awesome!! I was cracking up the whole time... hehe :-).

Anonymous said...

(Referred here by One Frum Skeptic)

Just wanted to chime in because you're new. Good post. Hope you keep it up.

Ichabod Chrain